Gotham follows life in fictional Gotham City...where you would find Batman. The tone of the show stays inline with a portrayal of Batman that has been pretty "dark and moody" since late 70's and the Tim Burton , Batman film of the 1990's.
From what I saw and read during the broadcast of Super Girl last night, GOTHAM got it's "butt" kicked as viewers tuned into CBS to see Super Girl team up with CW Network star THE FLASH!
For those of you who need stats here they are.
Super girl airs Monday Evenings at 8pm on CBS and stars Melissa Marie Benoist in the title role.
(She does the role justice and is excellent every week.)
The Flash airs on The CW Network and stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash.
Last night The Flash appeared on Super Girl....and on the facebook groups I was on...we loved it.
Here's Why I Loved It.
1. The Flash confirms early that he is from a "parallel" earth.
The over all pace and mood of writing and directing on CW's The Flash (and other CW comics shows like Legends Of Tomorrow) is a lot different than the mood of Super Girl or Gotham. It had never dawned on me however, that the Flash was NOT in the same world as Gotham (since they air in the same week.) The fact that The Flash find's himself on Super Girl's earth truly opens up a realm of great stories, even if they decide not to directly cross over with other current DC shows.
2. The Un Batman Vs. Superman- I am so glad that this show was almost a complete opposite of what is being offered this past weekend on the big screen. Where there is tension from the time Batman and Superman meet...on this show Super Girl and The Flash become fast friends and help each other as heroes from the time they meet.
3. The Episode was FUN and Well Written. I have watched Supergirl over the past few weeks and been disappointed from the stand point of being a comic book reader for about 3 decades. I have seen Supergirl fight some of my favorite villains and get involved with story ideas I love...but felt that the execution was solely for people that are not comic fans at all.
This was not the case with last night's show. Last night's show gave long time sci-fi fans plenty to think on and yell at the screen for. After 30 years...I still want to feel like a kid watching cartoons on the weekend and this episode of Supergirl gave me that.
The other thing is that last night was FUN!
DC Comics and Warner Brothers have made so much cash from comic book fans who believe comics should mirror real life, that they forget they have a very very very large fan base of people that read comics for fun and escapism.
Personally, I can fluidly bounce between the somber relevance to today's world found in Gotham and Batman Vs. Superman....and the wink-wink and nod-nod of Adam West' Batman.
(And I never saw how The Dynamic Duo escaped from The Joker's Giant spoilers please.)
For many of my friends that love what are known as "Bronze age" stories...last night's was a goodie with plenty of nerd stuff that we like to find when watching a show like Super Girl.
All in all...last night was what we call a win/win situation.
I am not sure we "need" more cross overs...because then episodes last night would not be as special....and last night was just not Flash meeting Super Girl. It was a special occasion.
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