Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Beyonce's Panthers

The things that people choose to be upset about never ceases to make me say ..."wha?".
The latest is the people upset about Beyoncé's Panthers at The Super Bowl.

So as quickly as possible here are my thoughts.

1. Some people white and black will always be upset with any "version" of Black that is outside of what they morally judge to be "right."

To them I say what I always say if you don't like it there are hundreds of other channels with something you might like.


2. I understand why some people would be upset with a "version" of the Black Panthers where the average size is about 4, clearly some of the afros are cosmetic and they wear "booty shorts."

To that I say. This is an artistic tribute. This will not appeal much to people that read Malcolm X , Tavis Smiley and other Black Intellectuals. What I am hoping Beyoncé was doing was trying to pay tribute and hopefully inspire younger ladies to be more than JUST video girls and to find out WHERE that Black on Black/Natural "look" came from.
3. We Sincerely Need The People/Artists that already know about The Black Panther Party to create more in depth art.

Anything Beyoncé gives me that is historical or topical is gravy. She is a pop artist.
And trust me and great as What's Going On was...no one ever confused Marvin Gaye with Dr. King or Gill Scott Heron.

So if you are well read on Huey Newton and Angela Davis? Team up with a poet and an illustrator and but out a book that kids and teens can scoop up and learn from...and make it as exciting as Beyoncé and her Panthers....I have a niece that just turned 8...I will but it.

4. Personally I did not hate the performance at The Super Bowl but I didn't get hyped either.

The truth is with the exception of about 3 or 4 Beyoncé songs...I would rather pull out my vinyl copy of Stevie Wonder's Song's In The Key of Life.

Now for young folks that are not ready for "AS" and "Love's In Need Of Love Today" yet....Beyoncé is usually decent music.

Remember if you are my age there was a time when we thought the Jackson 5's ABC was the best record ever! (And most of us turned out OK)


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