Monday, February 29, 2016

Good night George Kennedy

TMZ has reported that actor George Harris has died , 11 days after his 91st birthday.

A child of the 1970's , I have seen Kennedy play everything from the heavy, to priests, to leg breakers, to cops.

One of the last roles he was great in was as police officer Ed Hocken in the Naked Gun movie series.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Kennedy back in the 1990's on the set of a talk show called USA Live (same day I met Pam Grier.) Somewhere in my archives I have picture with the 6ft4 actor (one of the few I have met that was actually as tall as myself.)

I remember him as a quiet but nice guy.

I loved watching him work on television and film because he was a consummate actor, in a time when acting was at a premium I think we all took for granted.


                                   Coming In March...The Early Bird Special with Raymond Tyler

5 Things From Chris Rock's Oscar Monologue Last Night!

The job of true comedians is the same of true poets. TELL THE TRUTH, 100%, THE WAY YOU SEE IT IN THE MOMENT!

Last Night, amid the call for a Black Boycott and a popular hashtag #OscarsSoWhite, Rock took the stage to open up the Ocsars ...with a talk that was about 87 Academy Awards Shows over due. Rock's talk was however, the most candid celebrity discussion on the topic of "No African Americans being nominated for this year's awards" since Janet Hubert went viral with her critiques.

So here are 5 Things of note I took from last nights opening monologue by Chris Rock.

5. Loved The Opening Shot About Nominations.
The people that nominate for awards do not have to discuss why The Oscars are indeed SO WHITE!
However, he pointed out that the people that answer questions ON THE RECORD about "Oscars So White", have sense enough to hire any negro that will show up....I was surprised Rodney Allen Rippy didn't give out a trophy (I never watch he may have.) So when Rock explained that if the hosting gig was left up to the people that nominate Neil Patrick Harris would be hosting The Oscars...(and for real let's see how long it takes the Oscars to offer the job to Steven Colbert.)

4.Rock Went Hard At The Boycott.
Personally I would not have went as hard at the boycott as Rock did. (In that forum)
However, people had publicly called him out. So it would be unlike Rock to take the high road.
I just hope that I have a video camera and attend the next event that Will Smith and Chris Rock are both at.

3. Rock comes out to FIGHT THE POWER and leans in on Spike Lee....
No other comment...

2. Rock's Talk Was Very Grown Up.
Too many times people try to reduce the discussion of race to sounds bites and clichés.
I don't know enough Black people at the basket ball court that discuss race in terms of "Black people being raped and lynched." To hear Rock discussing lynching and police shootings versus The Oscars being a "whites only and white's first" club during the opening of The Oscars? Chris Rock earned that ABC check right there. He also went on to discuss the idea that acting awards given out based on sex is not the most progressive, 21st Century thinking.
He said a lot last night.

1. He Could Have Gone A Lot Harder.
I was surprised at how hard Chris Rock went.
However, once he started to get cooking...I felt like he should have given us the full course meal.
The discussion I really would have liked to why when Black people do win the Oscar, it is always for playing the lowest forms of live on earth...slaves, prostitutes, thugs? Will Smith was NEVER going to win an award this year for playing a the film Concussion...however if wants to win...Smith should find the role of some corrupt Black man of power, that should be gay, uses and or sells drugs, and if he can also find a way to harm Black Women....(wow I got four calls from voting members of the Academy asking me if they can nominate Will Smith for this film next year...I just made it up.)

Love Him Or Hate Him.
Rock did what Rock does last night.
There were other things I wanted to discuss like the crowd reaction and the black people that did show up....But those were the top five.
In closing. If I were a top actor. I would plan a more dedicated and specifically reasoned Boycott or better yet WALK OUT at the 100th Academy Awards.

                         Coming This March...The Early Bird Special With Raymond Tyler The Closer!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Fiction and Facts Number One: Conversations From The Flagship....

If you've never been to a party at The Flagship in Atlantic City? You have missed a few things.
You have missed some fine looking people that do great things. You have missed these young Black , Asian, Latino, White, people that are going places, dressed as sharp as 6 on the face of any clock. If you have never attended a party, at The Flagship Resort...right on AC's beach (especially in the spring before the heat covers Atlantic City like a lid...?) What you have missed most is the amazing view from outside on their deck.
The last party I attended at The Flagship was...THAT party that had every element of the things you loved.
The music, people, food, everything was as great as it sounds, looks, smells and taste on TV...I was dancing with my girlfriend of the time Viv. (Six feet of chocolate, girls basket ball player from Trenton State College.)
Her dress was a mix of spring and after 11pm sparkles. And we danced every song...half way through a slow song....Roger's I Wanna Be Your Man....I saw her...Gwen....

Viv: Wooh....I need to run to the ladies me out on the deck and let's get some air.

I looked around and Gwen was no where to be found and so I was just my imagination.

Outside on the I looked over the city and thought about a younger Gwen and younger me...and the places you go on dates when you are a few weeks into your first casino job. I thought about being young enough to WALK with Gwen up to the boardwalk on a Saturday and spend the summer night running in and out of stores and talking about ...whatever younger Gwen and I talked about then....

Gwen: You're still a thinker, and a dreamer, I see. I bet if I asked 10 other guys what they see right now...they would answer..."casinos."

Me: Gwen....?

Gwen: Yup...I thought I saw you dancing with that thick, tall girl in the glitter dress.

Me: I saw you dancing with the tall skinny, light skinned dude wearing dress shoes and no socks. That's what's really "Hot In Da Streets?"

We Laughed...

We Hugged..

We Leaned on the edge of the deck and looked straight ahead at the view....

Gwen: You wanna know where I went and what happened after us?

Me: Does it matter...?

Gwen: Damned if know. I did like you. You are a great person. And ...I am pretty sure I am glad you and I both came with dates tonight.

Me: Viv is special. I tell her that every day.

Gwen: Have you EVER...EVER been scared...?

Me: what...

Gwen: Have you ever woke up and been afraid to lose something. Just when you were about to move into a new house and you get a call it burned down...or better metaphore...Just as you get into a good piece of strawberry cheese cake, the kind so rich it tingles and the strawberries electrify every taste bud you have... and you finally except the calories that will go on your hips...just when you really start to enjoy realize've finished eating it?

Me: I told you about smoking that stuff Gwen.

Gwen: Sigh...for a thinker and dreamer you really don't get me....

Me. Yes....
Gwen: really....

Me: Of course I been scared I am a Black Man In America....I live every day knowing I am  working 4 times as hard to get one third as much as the next guy....whether that be jobs or justice.
I just have to go on and act like it doesn't bother me and pretend all that stress won't give me a stroke or cancer...or....But ...Yes Gwen ...I get scared...I guess I get scared that I won't get my 30% when I need it the most...but once I got something....I do not get scared of losing it. Just not the way I'm built.
Gwen: You...scared  me a lot. I never think anything's going to last forever. I never believe anyone is going to be around for ever. I remember thinking one day ....I wouldn't be able to think as deep as you do or dream as big as you do or...I just kept thinking that one Saturday night'd be on the boardwalk enjoying that breeze and running in  and out of games rooms to play Ms. Pac Man, and eating terrible boardwalk food, and talking about the smell of peanuts roasting and laughing at tourists and sneaking kisses with someone else. I got scared you would move on and wouldn't wanna do that stuff with me....

Me: Sigh...the most important part of everything thing you said was "with you." All that stuff was fun because you are you , Gwen and cause we did it together.

Gwen: And how many years ago was that?

Me: In real time maybe 6 Atlantic City time it feels like it was 75 summers ago.
It's a beautiful night isn't Gwen....

Gwen: 75 summers....that's a good one. Yup it's a beautiful night.

Viv: Hey You. I got you a Sprite...shaken not stirred...

Viv grabbed my left arm and laid her head on my arm and we enjoyed the view. We talked about going to Mytle Beach on vacation.

Gwen walked back into the party and found her date I would guess.

I never saw her again and we haven't spoken since.

It's funny how things work in life...I find the reasons things fall apart to be even stranger.

Whenever I happen to be at the Flagship I walk out on to the deck and look at the view....and listen hoping I will hear Gwen's voice behind me.



Atlantic City's
Miss America

I love to see photos of Vanessa with her crown.
 It reminds me that when ever we (Black people...people of color)achieve in America, someone is quick to want to burn and destroy that.
What Vanessa did in Atlantic City no one can take away....
Before President Obama she was our No. 1.
In fact living in AC during the Miss America prelims...the buz was already out that Vanessa Williams ...Miss New York was the best of the contestants. All of AC from the boardwalk to basket ball courts we were all talking about and bragging about Vanessa....

I want to be clear.
Right now today when I think of Miss America I think of Vanessa Williams.... I bet you can't name 5 Miss America's before her and I know I can't name 3 since.

Whether we are talking Barry Bonds, Lance Amstrong, Marion Jones, or the Jackie Robinson Little League Team from chicago....I do not let the media tell me who is worthy....I research and make my own choice of who is a Winner and who is a cheater...

"Miss America" may have taken her crown. In our mind's she earned the title well before that Saturday Night in Atlantic City. And there hasn't been a second since some of us heard about her that she has not been in our hearts.

Vanessa was a winner to us before she was even crowned and she's been winning ever since.



Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Come Mingle and Celebrate with us This Sunday

This Sunday at 3pm the eyes of the art, service and business communities will be on The Twenties Restaurant inside of the beautiful Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City!

Admission is $20 at the door!
$15 in advance!

The event includes exclusive book signings with several authors!
Light Refreshments!
A special presentation of The Martin Luther King Jr. Coretta Scott King Award to Jacqueline A Belton.
And much more!

This event is sponsored by 4 A Star Entertainment Publishing and Management and also by Raymond C!

Interviews and segments will be recorded for broadcast on
FM 91.7 WLFR!
Order Of Program
3pm -The Doors Open To The Public
Mingling, Take Time To Meet The Authors,
Hosts will share announcements.

3:30pm 5 minutes with Ava Holly Lewis

3:35pm Presentation of The Martin Luther King Jr. /Coretta Scott Award to Jacqueline A. Belton!

Presentations by April Williams, Stephenine Dixon from The New Jersey MLK Commission and Raymond Tyler!

4pm-5 Minutes with Turiay Abdur-Raheem
4:05 HEAT
Live Performances

4:45 Open Networking
5pm Meet The Authors and Artists

5:30pm Business Open MicYour Chance To Tell Us About Your Business
To get your advance tickets please contact Raymond Tyler at

Monday, February 22, 2016

It Hit Me Today...(an excerpt of a poem by Raymond Tyler Jr.)

Raymond Tyler Sr. Holding (me) ...Raymond Tyler Jr.
It Hit Me Today

It Hit Me Today
like the weight of 40 plus years
the wait of...40 years plus
IT...Hit Me ...
That You are really GONE...
except for
the old pictures wearing
new suits
I will sometimes see you
through the tears in my minds eye
when I choose to stand up to the pain
but the drugs they make to manage that pain
is so much more worse than the cause of it
it feels like being run over by car when
It Hits Me...
that our last hug
was our last hug
The Rest Of This Poem Will Be Out In My Next Book Of Poetry Due out Later This year! 


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Raymond Tyler THE CLOSER...Hosting/Playing The Relaunch Party For Black SCI

Next Saturday I will be pulling double duty at The Host and DJ for the Relaunch of The Website!

The event is a private affair taking place at one of Philly's hottest new businesses AMALGAM COMICS!

Organizer and President of Black Sci, Maurice Waters promises a night of great imagination and vision. There will be food, great music of course, give a ways, performances and some surprises.

This week I will be giving away some select party passes to attend as my guest!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Atlantic County Women's Center Benefit

Stockton University will host “The Vagina Monologues” to benefit The Atlantic County Women’s Center. Performances will be held Friday, Feb. 26 in Stockton’s Campus Center Theater and Saturday, Feb. 27 in Alton Auditorium in A-wing, both located on the main Galloway campus. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and performances begin at 7 both nights.
General admission tickets are $20, students and seniors are $5, and are available at the door or online at
Eve Ensler's critically acclaimed episodic play, “The Vagina Monologues,” highlights the struggles modern women face across the globe. Each monologue deals with an aspect of the feminine experience, touching on matters such as sex, love, rape, menstruation and female genital mutilation. A recurring theme throughout the piece is the vagina as a tool of female empowerment and the ultimate embodiment of individuality.
All proceeds benefit The Women's Center, a non-profit agency which serves the families of Atlantic County, and the V-Day Worldwide Campaign to raise awareness about violence against women and girls.
For more information, visit

Speaking Of Black History: Wendi Levy and Mixed Chicks Hair Care Products

Approximately 19....something and something (lol)....I first met Ms. Wendi Levy.

Admittedly this was not one of my most memorable high school meetings. I tease Wendy about the fact that I was guilty of doing to her what people often do to me...which is PRE JUDGE HER.

After graduation we ended up on the same rec volley ball team and even as we beat down the competition ...I still had this feeling about her being a fragile girl.

One night after volley ball, some younger guys came in to play basket ball and they needed two for a full court. I was leaving (with my punk a%% ) and it was WENDI that coaxed me to stay.

IT IS NO UNDERSTATEMENT when I say my life changed that night!

A. Wendi beat the dag on breaks these guys from the hood!

B. Wendi running the offense made my game better!

C. She understands the ideas of team defense and making adjustments with in the game like few people I have EVER played with.

D. (And letter D should have been letter A to me) She talked so much trash about the kids were beating, I almost felt bad for them.


So that story has nothing at all to do with Wendi Levy and Black History Month (it's just a cool frikking story.) The story of Wendi and I on the basket ball court and then later in her class room is very important to my personal history.

I from time to time wish I had been more friendly and open in high school. More importantly I try my best to judge every one by their actions and heart not looks or HEAR SAY!

Anyway safe to say...I consider Ms. Levi to be one of the best ball players from ACHS.
I love and respect her like very few people in my life.
If you have a daughter, mother, aunt, sister with hair or are a woman with hair? Visit the website

Today Wendi Levy is the owner and operator of MIXED CHICKS hair care products!

Her gels, moisturizes, shampoos and other products her girls feel great about the varying textures of their hair, help women look their best and embrace every texture of their hair and even comes to the rescue of dads that have daughters with several textures of hair.
Mixed Chicks has been endorsed by entertainments top celebrities and has been seen as part of many red carpet events from New York to Hollywood. Levy has became an world wide success story.
(And...) Over the years...Wendi looks better now than she did in high school.

I am proud of her however, because she represents all the things that make the WORLD around her beautiful!

Although when I do talk to her....she is still will not think twice about getting in my face and letting me know when I am dead wrong.

Wendi Levy's super model looks are no match for her super big heart or her super wonderful spirit.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Speaking Of Black History: Remembering Alice Cash

Marker located on Michigan Avenue near Baltic Avenue intersection.

Historical Marker text: 1933-2006
An Atlantic City native, Mrs. Cash entered Atlantic City High School in 1947, but left due to illness. She returned three years later to graduate with the class of 1954, then from Douglass College in 1958. Mrs. Cash was the first African-American teacher hired directly from college to teach at Atlantic City High School. She was recognized by the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Inc., Delta Lambda Chapter for service in education, and was named "Teacher of the Year" by the Atlantic City Education Association in 1991. She is most remembered by her students for her proper vocabulary, strict classroom decorum, and dignified demeanor. Her years of volunteer service to various organizations earned her numerous awards. In October 1985 Mrs. Cash co-founded the Inner City Tutorial Program that provided underprivileged students free help to prepare for their SATs. She was active in the community until her retirement in 2002 after 39 years of public service.

How I Will Always Remember Mrs. Cash....
I (like many other of her students) will ALWAYS love Mrs. Cash!
Mrs. Cash was one of the best teachers from a school full of great teachers.

Few days pass that I do not recall a lesson from her classroom.

In order to excel in Mrs. Cash's class...we kind of formed "study groups" before they were called study groups. However as a junior if you wanted to pass a vocabulary test, where you were expected to know: the definition, the etymology, and correct spelling of a word? You had your class mates brief you on the hard ones through out the year! We were not just Mrs. Cash's students...we were "family" trying to survive....and make her proud.

By now as I am typing this I am fighting back tears because I wish I could call her or drop by her house to complain about how hard she was on us....

I think she knew however, by the time we earned our grades...WE WERE VERY PROUD OF OURSELVES as individual students and as "Vocabulary Test Survivors." It felt FREAKIN AMAZING when you did well in her class or surprised her with a right answer on something she hadn't even taught.

I have so many wonderful memories ....

One I would like to share is about our second encounter.

The 15 year old Raymond Tyler had no idea...why teachers taught.

Anyway while trying to pick Mrs. Cash's brain...I noticed something in her class room and the topic of Marcel Marceau came up. I always remembered her "NOT" being shocked that I knew who he was. We spoke for maybe 10 minutes about the mime....little did I know...that would only mean she would expect a lot from me coming into her class.

Mrs. Cash did many outstanding things as an educator. The one thing I may have loved the most was her ability to size up a teen in a few minutes and meet then where they were. She always challenged you to be better than you were then and be better than you thought you could be....and if for any reason you struggled....Mrs. Cash was right there with encourage, the tools you needed to succeed and a stern face to let you know....YOU WILL GET IT!!!

If I had to pick one word to ascribe to Mrs. Cash would be SPECIAL...

It's been more than 30 years since that brash 14 year old Raymond came into her class room....but even now....I hope she would be proud...and I hope she knew how we the students in our junior year class loved and respected her.

I have said it before and I will say it once more. Thank you Julie and John Cash for sharing your mother with the children and parents of ACHS.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Wild Woods Host Cheer Tech

The Wildwoods Convention Center will once again host the Cheer Tech National Cheerleading Championships for two weekends in March. Mid-Atlantic National Cheerleading and Dance Championships will be held on Saturday, March 5 and Sunday, March 6, and the Cheer Tech National Recreation and School Championships will be held on Sunday, March 13.
These entertaining and exciting events will include recreation, high school, college, open, and all-star divisions, featuring teams from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware. All teams will compete on a 54’ by 42’ spring floor and perform amazing aerial and acrobatic feats in hopes of winning the judges’ votes. All performances will be choreographed to music and sound effects, and winning teams will be awarded trophies and banners.
Competitions for the March 5 and 6 event will take place from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Competitions for the March 13 event will begin at 8 a.m.
Cheer Tech will also return to the Wildwoods Convention Center on Saturday, April 16 for the Elite Cheer Championship ‘Shore Show Down’ and on Sunday, April 17 for the ‘Beast of the East’ Cheerleading Competition.  
For additional information about Cheer Tech events, call 866-52-CHEER or visit
For additional information about the Wildwoods, visit or call 800-992-9732.    

Tropicana, Atlantic City to Host The Maxwell Football Club Awards

Tropicana Casino & Resort will once again be home to the Maxwell Football Club as they present their 79th Annual Awards Gala Friday, March 11th, 2016 at 5pm. Over a thousand sports enthusiasts will gather along with professional football’s most respected athletes, coaches and personalities to celebrate the 2015 football season and present the Club’s National Awards during this extraordinary event sponsored by the Judge Group. The Awards will honor excellence at the Professional, Collegiate and High School levels.
2015  Award Winners:
  • 79th Annual Maxwell Award – College Player of the Year – Derrick Henry, University of Alabama
  • 57th Bert Bell Award – NFL Player of the Year – Cam Newton, Carolina Panthers+
  • 27th The Earl “Greasy” Neale Award – NFL Coach of the Year – Ron Rivera, Carolina Panthers
  • 21st Annual Chuck Bednarik Award – College Defensive Player of the Year– Tyler Matakevich, Temple University
  • 27th Annual George Munger Award – MFC Collegiate Coach of the Year – Dabo Swinney, Clemson University
  • The Thomas Brookshier Spirit Award– Leadership, Dedication & Inspiration –Captains for the United States Military Academy, Captains for the United States Naval Academy and the Captains for the United States Airforce Academy
  • 15th Annual Brian Westbrook Tri-State Player of the Year presented by Philadelphia Insurance Company –MFC Tri‐State Player of the Year Award – Joe Callahan, Wesley College
  • 18th Annual MFC Tri-State Coach of the Year presented by Philadelphia Insurance Company – Matt Rhule,  Temple University
  • 26th Annual Francis “Reds” Bagnell Award – Contributions to the Game of Football – Joe Browne, Executive Vice President, National Football League
  • 9th Annual MFC National High School Player of the Year Award presented by adidas– Jacob Eason,  Lake Stevens High School
  • 31st Annual MFC Jim Henry Award – Tri-State High School Player of the Year – Brandon McIlwain, Council Rock North High School
  • 13th Annual Tropicana Broadcast Award – Tony Siragusa, FOX
The event will include a red carpet on the 4th floor of the South Tower at 4:15 p.m. featuring a live broadcast by WEPN, 97.5 The Fanatic. A cocktail reception will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. immediately followed by the Awards Show from 8:15 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in the Ballroom located on the 4th floor of the North Tower. Tickets start at $300 per person and are limited. Purchase tickets at or call 215-643-3833.
All tickets are based on availability.
For more information or to book rooms at a discounted rate visit
About the Maxwell Football Club
The Maxwell Football Club (MFC) was founded in 1935 and is a registered 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation. The MFC promotes and recognizes excellence at all levels of football from youth leagues through the professional ranks. Each year the MFC offers programs which focus on player and coach development, safety, and player wellness. The Club also presents many of the premiere awards in the football world each year. Membership is open and additional information on the Club can be found at


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Art Reception This Friday


Shore Medical Center will host an opening reception this Friday, Feb. 19 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm for its latest exhibit "For the Love of Nature" featuring more than 40 works by artist Judy Saylor Allison and 10 by artist and gastroenterologist Dr. Paul Ljubich.  Shore’s Art Gallery is representative of its holistic approach to patient-centered care that embraces the mind, body and spirit. 



Sunday, February 14, 2016

Erika Sage Kelley joins The Saturday Social Line Up For HEAT

Saturday Feb 20 at 6pm The Doors To T Wakes Open for The Saturday Evening Social
At 6:30pm the stage is set for headliners DIRTY HANDS and SHYSTE.
Breaking The Ice and Opening The Show is writer and poet...
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at
T Wakes BBQ
6701 Black Horse Pike
EHT, NJ 08234
Rutgers alumna and co-founder of the writing group, Creative Scribblers, Erika Sage Kelley’s poems have appeared in various poetry anthologies and journals including, Poetry Super Highway, The Bicycle Review, River Poets’ Journal, and most recently Silent Noise Publishing’s anthology, A Literary Assault on the American Mind. Erika conducts poetry workshops for adults and youth with a focus on ekphrastic poetry, art inspired poetry, as a form of therapy and healing.
In addition to the arts, Erika is passionate about education and health and fitness. She has worked at the State Department of Education since 2003, and also works as a Certified Personal Trainer with Go Strong Fitness and most recently as a Health and Wellness Blogger for Entertainment Manager and reality star Yandy Smith’s Everything Girls Love online magazine.
Erika resides in South Jersey and enjoys spending time with her husband and three sons. A collection of her work can be found at: 


Friday, February 12, 2016

The 6 PM Club...Party Early

Saturday Feb 20th will be the first of a series of Saturday Social events that will start by 6pm and be over well before Midnight.

If you want a great adult social experience but be in bed by 11am? You are welcome to come and enjoy great food, people, and live entertainment and bring your friends.

If you want to get some great food and hang out before the late night Saturday clubs open?
Then this is also a great way to get warmed up.

Here's what you can expect Feb 20th at T Wakes at The Saturday Social!

6pm DOORS OPEN...with WLFR/WTTH's Raymond Tyler THE CLOSER!

6:30 pm HEAT...spoken word with Dirty Hands and Shyste (opening artists to be announced)

7:00 pm FM 91.7 WLFR's Week End Lounge

Love Saturday Night Relationship Talk with Raymond and Roz

Style 180 Plus with Visual Image Specialist Stella Williams

7:30pm Dinner

8:30pm The Alternative Soul Finale with Miss Kelly LaVigna

Admission only $10
Includes Great T Wakes Fish Sliders and other delicious food!
Plus there will be give a ways all night!

Come Out and Enjoy A One Of A Kind Saturday Night Experience...EARLY!

For tickets you can go directly to T Wake's BBQ, 6701 Black Horse Pike, EHT, NJ.
Or you can contact Raymond Tyler, Roz Ruffin or Stella Williams!

SNL's Leslie Jones is Coming To The Taj

Trump Taj Mahal will present
Leslie Jones
Xanadu Theater

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Show time is at 8:00pm, doors will open one hour prior.

Ticket prices are $38, $28, and $18

Tickets will go on sale Saturday, February 13th at 10:00am

Tickets can be obtained by calling Ticketmaster at 1-800-736-1420 or on line at

ABOUT LESLIE JONES: It was just last year that Leslie was hired by SNL as a writer but quickly made a name for herself after a memorable on-air appearance during the late-night sketch show’s "Weekend Update" segment. Upon returning last fall for the show’s fortieth season, she found herself promoted to the cast as a featured player. Most recently, Leslie wrapped shooting one of the four lead roles in Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters reboot, starring alongside Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon. This winter, Leslie will be seen on the big screen appearing in Jared Hess’ Masterminds opposite Zach Galifianakis and Owen Wilson. Furthermore, Leslie is voicing an animated character in the studio feature Lunch, for Illumination Entertainment, opposite Matthew McConaughey and John C. Reilly. Lastly, The New Yorker is in the middle of doing a huge profile on Leslie. The last SNL cast member The New Yorker did this with was Tina Fey in 2003. Leslie was last seen and coming off a memorable performance in both Judd Apatow’s Trainwreck and Chris Rock’s feature Top Five for Paramount.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Turiya S.A Raheem's Growing Up In The Other Atlantic City Comes Back To Dante Hall

Growing Up in the Other Atlantic City

The Play Returns by Popular Demand
April 15-17 and 22-24, 2016
Dante Hall in Atlantic City

Turiya S. A. Raheem
Author of Growing Up in the Other Atlantic City: Wash's and the Northside
Senior Adjunct
Atlantic Cape Community College
Atlantic City, NJ

Upcoming Raymond C Special Event

Natural Healing!

Come join us as we explore our authority to change this energy & “overcome” its density, ascending beyond our current states with the help of the many gifts of Mother Earth.  
Saturday, February 13, 2016, from 1-3 pm at “The Barn” on The Village Greene in Historic Smithville, Galloway, NJ. Registration: $40. Our attending guest will receive sage smudge kits, crystals and more.
Refreshments will be served.
 For info: call-609-204-5957, or stop in at Herban Legend Boutique in Smithville.

Upcoming Raymond C Event



The Atlantic County Historical Society
 featuring guest speaker John Bettis.

All are welcome to visit the Atlantic County Historical Society on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 beginning at 7:00pm featuring a special guest program “The Buffalo Soldiers”.  Guest speaker, John Bettis will discuss the life and daily tasks of the Buffalo Soldiers during the Civil War.
The Buffalo Soldiers were black members of the US Army during the Civil War who served at remote outposts on the Western frontier.  Their main charge was to protect Settlers as they moved West.
Free admission for this one-night only event.  Light refreshments will be served. Due to the Historical Society expansion project guest are advised to park in the adjacent lot to the ACHS entrance road.  Enter the museum through the front door/main entrance only.
Atlantic County Historical Society-Where History Comes To Life, a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization located at 907 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ  08244



Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lisa Bey Recaps The Weekend

Just a re-cap of last couple days:
Wanting to end officer disproportional abuse of Black men does not make someone a cop hater.
Enjoying a half time show with Black Panthers as part of the narrative does not make for a separatist uprising.
Enjoying a Bernie Sanders victory does not make one a hater of Hillary Clinton. Distrust perhaps. Not hate.

Stop being extremists! <--------see what I did there?

Guest Blogger Lisa Bey


Beyonce's Panthers

The things that people choose to be upset about never ceases to make me say ..."wha?".
The latest is the people upset about Beyoncé's Panthers at The Super Bowl.

So as quickly as possible here are my thoughts.

1. Some people white and black will always be upset with any "version" of Black that is outside of what they morally judge to be "right."

To them I say what I always say if you don't like it there are hundreds of other channels with something you might like.


2. I understand why some people would be upset with a "version" of the Black Panthers where the average size is about 4, clearly some of the afros are cosmetic and they wear "booty shorts."

To that I say. This is an artistic tribute. This will not appeal much to people that read Malcolm X , Tavis Smiley and other Black Intellectuals. What I am hoping Beyoncé was doing was trying to pay tribute and hopefully inspire younger ladies to be more than JUST video girls and to find out WHERE that Black on Black/Natural "look" came from.
3. We Sincerely Need The People/Artists that already know about The Black Panther Party to create more in depth art.

Anything Beyoncé gives me that is historical or topical is gravy. She is a pop artist.
And trust me and great as What's Going On one ever confused Marvin Gaye with Dr. King or Gill Scott Heron.

So if you are well read on Huey Newton and Angela Davis? Team up with a poet and an illustrator and but out a book that kids and teens can scoop up and learn from...and make it as exciting as Beyoncé and her Panthers....I have a niece that just turned 8...I will but it.

4. Personally I did not hate the performance at The Super Bowl but I didn't get hyped either.

The truth is with the exception of about 3 or 4 Beyoncé songs...I would rather pull out my vinyl copy of Stevie Wonder's Song's In The Key of Life.

Now for young folks that are not ready for "AS" and "Love's In Need Of Love Today" yet....Beyoncé is usually decent music.

Remember if you are my age there was a time when we thought the Jackson 5's ABC was the best record ever! (And most of us turned out OK)


Sunday, February 7, 2016

WEEK END SJ Celebrated The Music of EWF and Maurice White

Like the rest of the world we were shocked and saddened on Thursday to learn of the passing of Mr. Maurice White of Earth, Wind and Fire!

Saturday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
we played their music, shared stories and concert memories, but also discussed how their music
brought us closer to family and friends.

To James Burroughs, DJ Nino Brown, Andrew Williams, Danielle Percy, DJ Marc Asbury, Angela Moore and every one that took time to share their memories with us....