Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kathy Griffin and Greg Gianforte: Not The Same Thing! A Light Editorial

 Editorial Note: Kathy Griffin recently did a photo shoot where she held up a bloody fake head in the image of President Trump.

We in no way endorse the image or the sentiment of violence or murder.

However, we do support an artists right to create images that may be disturbing and at times in poor taste or flat out irresponsible. Or as one might hear in the streets..."Every THING ain't for Every BODY!"

We made the editorial decision not to show the image.

A. Because we felt the image is way off brand for our websites.

B. Because there are plenty of websites where you can view the image!

A Light Editorial By Joe The Peacenik

1. Never Apologize For Art!

Let's get one thing straight. The word "nigger" should remain in the Mark Twain classic Tom Sawyer and the book should be taught in middle school...with a discussion of the word and the definition of "context."

From Lenny Bruce to Richard Pryor to Chris Rock- Comedians have strived to make us laugh and think!

While I believe Kathy Griffin in her latest photo shoot wet too far. It's art.

When it comes to art ...we can debate whether Van Gogh used too many stars or not enough in his painting Starry Night. We can debate whether Richard Pryor used the word "nigger" too many times in one of his "Mudbone" routines. However, we should never seek to take words from poets, writers or comedians...that would be like taking blue paint or even stars away from Van Gogh.

Or in this case a horrible choice of imagery from a photographer

2. Be Very Concerned with Bad Policy Not Art!

Truthfully, I was offended by the "beheaded Donald Trump" for about 10 seconds.
Then I got back to wondering how I could stop my tax dollars from going to kill people for real that I don't know in the name of "freedom." A "freedom" that escaped Trayvon Martin and Troy Davis and Sandra Bland and Kalief Browder here in America. I went back to writing poetry and talking to people about what life would be like if we stopped war and spent half that money on diplomacy and the other half on quality education and ending poverty.

In short, Kathy Griffin's image may be sophomoric at worse but has no baring on where a homeless person will get his next meal or whether a 18 year kid that can't afford college and wants to leave the ghetto will be forced to fly to another country and become a killer.
That power still lies with who ever we feel shamed into voting for on election day.

3. Do Not Fall For The Lie That Kathy Griffin's Photo is the same or equal to Greg Gianforte's Physical assault of Ben Jacobs.

One thing I can say about modern day republicans is they never met an irrational argument or straight up lie they won't use. During the 2016 Presidential election they told their base that Hillary making a poor choice about responding to emails was worse than sick, bigoted, perverse things President Trump said while pandering to the bottom of America's Barrel. Now Republicans will tell their base that Kathy Griffin was worse than Gianforte body slamming a reporter for asking a question he didn't want to answer.

Here's the truth.

The Conservative Movement as it stands to today, stands for...White men getting paid first and more!
Stands for hatred and disrespect of people of color, homosexuals and ironically hatred of Jews (in the name of Jesus who was himself a Jew.) Their movement stands for squeezing every cent they can from the poor and anyone that cannot defend themselves (including the poor people that vote for them.) And both parties in my opinion stand for WAR over education and ending poverty.

So because The Conservative Movement never wants to discuss what they truly stand for or what kind of Russia...I mean America they are building. They need the discussion to be about Kathy Griffin and her head. They need you to forget that Greg Ginaforte will have the power to silence reporters with a police force, army, navy, airforce and marine corp.


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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tonight On The Light with Raymond Tyler ..."THE CHAMP" Michael Spinks

Tune in for exclusive coverage of The AC Boxing Hall Of Fame Weekend. Including: Bill Johnson, Craig Johnson the brother of "The Champ" The Late Leavander Johnson, Spinks and Don King!


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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Tonight we Welcome Will Friedel To THE LIGHT NATION

Tune Into The Light this evening at 6pm as we discuss Boy Meets World, Girl Meets World and Cartoons with Will Friedel!

You can also listen live via


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Dance and Chill! Today Only get 2 Tickets For $ 15 Dollars!

Sunday June 4th, join the producers of The Light radio show and members of LIGHT NATION as we bring The Light Lounge to The Storm Ballroom Dance Centre in Voorhees!

What is Dance & Chill?

  • The day starts off with a one hour dance lesson from award winning instructor Lisa Torquati!
  • Then award winning writer/DJ Raymond Tyler THE CLOSER will be playing your favorite dance songs from the 70's to the 2000's!
  • Also on tap will be networking as we have invited special guests from business, the media and event planning!
  • There will be a live performance by April Chocolate Girl Williams!
  • There will be a wine tasting from Travel The Vine!
  • Several Authors will be doing book signings!
  • There will be other vendors!
    And of course the dance floor will be open.

    So Come Enjoy a Great Day of Mingling, Networking and More!

    And Until Midnight Tonight Contact Raymond Tyler for
a 2 for Tuesday Special on Tickets!


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Roger Moore was in my opinion The Second Best James Bond behind Sean Connery.

Still we lost a great actor who was also a great action film star!

So in tribute to Sir Roger Moore I submit my favorite Roger Moore...Bond Films!

Number 5-The Spy Who Loved Me!

Number 4-Moonraker-I wish I could have rated this one higher. I truly enjoy this one!

Number 3. Live and Let Die-This film has my favorite car chase seen ever..."BOY!"

Number 2-The Man With The Golden Gun...what a marvelous villain...also Rest In Peace Christopher Lee!

1. A View To A Kill-Not the best Bond film but still my favorite. It was the first I saw on a movie theater screen with out commercials.
Plus my favorite Bond song, Christopher Walken and wonderful action sequences.

Thanks Sir Roger Moore...Good Night!


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Thursday, May 18, 2017

NEED A LAUGH...? These 5 picks Streaming on HBO GO

If you have HBO...there is always something on.

What the kids used to call
Home Box has more channels than I can watch.

Now besides HBO, HBO 2, HBO Silver and HBO Detroit (I made up the last two) almost the entire HBO library is streaming online.

While I have not been able to find the classic HBO series The Hitch Hiker, Dream On or 1st In Ten, every thing else from drama like The Wire to series like Real Sports and a host of comedy and specials are streaming.

So for those of you in need of a laugh HBO is streaming many diverse comedic films here's 5 of my choices.

The inside story of the late night TV wars of the 90's. While the film focus' on David Letterman and Jay Leno, the film also gives us info on The Arsenio Hall Show, Johnny Carson and much more!

This film is extremely rare so I was elated to watch it and relive my 20's.

4. M.A.S.H
Do not confuse this with the TV show it inspired.
This Robert Altman film is funny and dark.
If you love the TV show? Just be prepared to enjoy this
original interpretation of "Hawk Eye" , "Trapper" and "Hot Lips."

#3 Life With Mikey

I love this family movie that has heart and realness.

Michael J Fox a true former child, star anchors a cast of
solid (at the time) child actors lead by a wonderful performance by Christina Vidal as Angie a street smart con artist with a face that could melt any heart.
Warning, this movie gets really sappy...and I love every second and a laugh every time I watch it. I have seen it about 5 times.

2. Friday

For real, I know 50 people that did not know this was streaming that will make this the highlight of their night or weekend now.

They may not even know HOW to work HBO GO...but they gone learn.

Friday is a classic urban comedy up there with Car Wash and Cooley High!

1. Wild Cats

Think... The White Shadow with Goldie Hawn as The Coach and it's set with a foot ball team instead of basket ball.

Wild Cats , Any Given Sunday and Brian's Song are tied as my favorite football films.

If you don't laugh from start to finish? You ain't right...

And don't forget to recognize the great Nipsey Russell moving that Peanut Brittle.

There were about 10 more films I wanted to write about. So maybe soon I'll post SON OF 5 GREAT COMEDIES STREAMING ON HBO GO.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

5 THINGS words By Raymond Tyler

Welcome to a new column I am breaking out ...5 Things or Reasons as the grammatical need dictates.
A quick list of who , what and why that I am following or reporting on.

With out a doubt the most important and best decision I made in 2016 is to let Stella Williams make some changes to my fashion and lifestyle choices.

Ms. Williams has over 25 years of experience as a lifestyle and image consultant.
Still, I thought I was doing fine.

The truth is when I look at photos of myself before the summer of 2016 I seriously wonder what I was thinking.


Here are 5 Things I Learned that changed my life for the better and are reasons why Lifestyles By Stella is the right choice!

NUMBER ONE:  Working With a Consultant and Wardrobe/Fashion is an Investment!

As a DJ. I consult with DJ ILL Nino on 95% or my equipment purchases. WHY? Because his expertise eclipses mine. Also because buying THE RIGHT Speaker or MIC can make all the difference in getting a gig and being asking to come back.

The same is true with fashion. Stella has forgotten more about fashion then I know and what I know she taught me. Working with Stella equals WISE INVESTMENT.

Likewise the money I was trying not to spend on a shirt, jacket or pair of shoes were actually costing me money. Stella put me in a metaphorical head lock and demanded I buy a jacket that is only in style about 4 months out of the year! I was thinking "no way." However, I gave in and I admit I looked great in the jacket but didn't see it as a game changer. I was 100% wrong.

From the first time I stepped out my house in that jacket, clients and people around me took notice. The investment was worth 3 times what I actually paid.



HERE'S WHAT I LEARNED: Anything that does not make you look your best or does not excite you?

I have several looks that make me feel like I am LIT every time I step up. Before Stella I would buy one great outfit that I saved for this or that.  And "Schlep" around the rest of the time!After Stella...every outfit is a winner! So whether I am going to DJ for a charity or corporate event or just enjoy a day at the book store...I am weather something that makes me feel like I just won at FASHION!


No more "just let me see what they have here."
When I go out now, I am shopping for ...a jacket to fill out my spring summer party season look, shoes that will make a statement, a tie to tie together a business casual look.

The reason why you shop with purpose is to get the things that will add to your look. I too often bought things because they were just on sale or in my size or different.



Saving a penny like before is a bit harder and you may start with not much you want to wear. However!

You WILL find SHOES, JACKETS, WATCHES you want on sale...but you HAVE TO LOOK!

The very first day Stella and I went out shopping...we went to MEN'S WEARHOUSE for some fittings and our sales person Jeffrey found a great clearance suit that was in my size for a steal!

NUMBER FIVE Should Have Been Number One To Me: PLAN FOR 15 minutes to a HALF HOUR

I used to LAUGH at people that took more than 5 minutes to pick something to wear.
Problem is too many times I looked like I took about 5 minutes!


I may have an idea for weeks about what to wear to an event or a date and when I put it on and look at the image in the image is not saying what I want it to. So I go back. I may take down 3 or 4 shirts and match them up with the pants and shoes...till I have an image that says...Raymond Tyler Cares About YOU Enough To Look Professional and Distinctive when He Came To See YOU!

Stella has also been a great help with LIFESTYLE information as well!

I have learned much more and you will to by investing your time and money with a session with Stella Williams! Find her at Lifestyles By Stella on facebook and Instagram or call her at


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Monday, May 1, 2017

Thanks SJ for Making Art & Chill A Success

An Open Letter From Raymond Tyler

As I am typing this...I am still tired from yesterday's successful event...ART & CHILL!

Yesterday , Sunday April 30th was a big win for artists and business people alike.

Later, I will officially and publicly thank La Belle Art Gallery Owner , Mame Young...properly.

Right now. While it's on my heart. I would like to thank Southern New Jersey, AC, "My Neck Of The Woods."

I hear a lot of talk about Atlantic City , not supporting events and people that do well like they should.

And honestly, I have been quick to drop the hammer about the level of support I receive and miss out on.

However, I  want to proudly say that The Shore/AC area came through for me yesterday!

It did my heart good to see so many people make the trip on the expressway to attend an event "They really didn't know much about."

(If one more person told me "I never been to anything like that" Or "Can you explain what this is about" I think your boy would have had a break down."

What the event was about...was an afternoon of grown and successful adults, meeting and mingling in a wonderful art gallery. We heard some poetry. We were able to take in some amazing art and support some great businesses. We sampled great food, desserts and wines.

For me it was also about feeling the love from the people close to my home town and always close to my heart.

So to T Wakes BBQ thanks for sending those wings (which I didn't taste.)

To 1892 Chocolate and SJ Wine Friends , thanks for your contribution.

To sponsors Bobby Laws and Farmers Insurance, Lifestyles By Stella, Intelligent Energy Auditing, 4 A Star, Mark Tyler Enterprises, T Marquise Entertainment and Wendi Levy and Mixed thanks for everything!

And to all my friends from AC, Northfield, Pleasantville, Somers Point and Mayslanding that came, thank you so very much.


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