Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Writer/Publisher Rorie Still Curates Her first Radio Broadcast Tonight!

20 Years ago I could say that writer/publisher Rorie Still is not your average creator of science fiction. Today is a new day and I would say Ms. Still is not only an above average creator of sci fi...she is a leader of a fresh generation of faces producing sci fi.

Rorie Still is a woman of color but more importantly she is gifted as a writer and blessed with vision.

She has published 2 books and produced live sci-fi concerts.

Tonight at 9pm on FM 106.5 WPPM she is the guest producer on The Black Tribbles Show which can also be heard everywhere via the ap.

Ms. Still took a quick break to discuss what we'll be hearing tonight!

RCT:Is this the first time you've executive produced/Curated a radio show?

Rorie Still:Technically I'm a guest, but yes. I want to repeat this in a couple months for another radio show.

RCT: Tell Us About the show. What can listeners expect?
Rorie:On air concert with the Black Tribbles. And  interviews.

Right now, that's all Rorie is willing to share. I suggest that if you enjoy fantasy and sci fi you tune in.
Spoiler: Many of her stories take place in the factional city of Philly!


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