Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sleep Out On Friday To End Homelessness WORDS BY DEWANE PARKER

The Covenant House of Atlantic City, NJ will be having a Women's Sleep Out on this Friday April 28th at their location. Before the sleep out they will have a program for the community 8pm-10:15pm at New Shiloh Baptist Church 701 Atlantic City NJ.

The Covenant House program will provide statistical information to the community on homeless youth and how we must partnership to help our kids that are homeless and being abused through sex trafficking, prostitution, child pornograph...y, assaults and more. Covenant House is not only a safe haven for the youth but it also provides endless programs for the youth in regards to education, job training, life skills and much more. We are inviting EVERYONE to come out at 8pm and the program will have breakout sessions and we are asking women to give up a Friday night to sleep over at Covenant House 929 Atlantic Ave NJ afterwards to meet the youth and bond with them. We are also asking for you to donate your Time, Talent and Treasure to all Covenant Houses. By your financial giving and volunteering at the houses you are helping our youth and stabilizing our future. I need everyone to share this with your Facebook Friends and come out Friday to stop homelessness and to end those homeless kids nightmares. Thank you!

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