Thursday, November 10, 2016

4 Groups that aren't THE GOP...that are making me SICK right now.

I have really tried to be patient with some of my friends on facebook.
I am however, about tired of a couple of groups.


I'm tired of my educated friends who NOW express disbelief and hurt feelings. During the republican primaries I began having public discussions about the seriousness of a major party candidate saying "Mexicans are rapists." Basically the most educated people I knew told me "sit down, shut up...Trump will never be the nominee." For the record I should have known better because many of them also see "no harm" in reality TV.


I am also tired of "my white" friends that are shocked and "crying."
How many times were you shocked and crying, as people of color in your city were suffering?
Were you paying attention?
These are the "white friends" that like to demand that I feel some way about Bill Cosby and other people of color. They love to tell me how I should feel about my life in America.
They have woken up to a small sample size of what "indifference" to hatred and bigotry can do with a full head of steam.
There was nothing about Donald Trump or the republican party or America that surprised me during the election process. My advice...get it over it. The slap in the face you felt Tuesday...was every Tuesday of my life.


I am sooooooo tired...of "my white friends" that still refuse to acknowledge that Trump ran his campaign to get out the KKK, skin head, and mild bigot vote.
These are NOT the white people that say..."There are two America's nigger and yours is over there with the second class label." These however are the white people that never understand that at one point in US History...the law said "The Nigger can read and write?...Whip this nigger in front of every one he knows and then hang him." You can explain that this is the same America we in now, til your blue in the face but they won't see it. Worse of all, they don't want to discuss it with people of color or their white friends.

But the king of the late night pizza and , tip top of my list.......


News Flash!!!! Those people that were beaten and hosed? Were related to Black folks that didn't vote or actually voted for the people they though was the best person . They also did it for kids that couldn't vote, felons that still can't, slaves that died with out the right to vote. They also did it for people that would never see the point in voting at all.

Here's another news flash. No one died and made you every Black person's momma or daddy.

Last news flash and re occurring theme in my writing MAGIC BULLETS DON'T EXIST.
Ain't no one election that put Black people or the poor or women or gay people in the America we live in now....and this election if Hillary had won would not have changed America into the world we need.

What we could all do today is ...
Number One: Breathe.....(because I was hoping Trump wouldn't win either...hey I have a niece and I don't want to have to catch a case protecting my family but I will.)

Number Two: Get Back Together....I don't KNOW Much....but I know I need my white friends and my black friends...and I know that the republican party are united to keep us down , to keep it WHITE MEN FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS, and to make sure poverty is a crime (well on that last point the dems have failed too.)

Number Three: Get Rid Of The Magic Bullet thinking
. There is a lot of hard real work and sacrifice to do....and it ain't no "New Math" includes investing in Black Business, Going Green and stop supporting industries (even music and television) that de humanize us all. The real work includes developing ideas, writing books/plays, creating art and supporting these things that bring change.
The real work includes being able to talk for real with each other...with out our differences devolving into pissing matches and name calling.
Next Time...5 Reason NOT To Blame Black Folks or 3rd Party Candidates for Trumps Win!
See you next time...Same Blog Time...same Blog Channel.



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