Sunday, December 27, 2015

EDITORIAL: Dear AC The Arts Needs Radio, Venues and Culture!

You Can Catch DJ Dramadik Spinning At The Land Shark on
December 31st in AC! Bring in your New Year right!

DJ Dramadik Addresses
The Artistic Desert That Is Atlantic City.

Dear Atlantic City NJ ... I was born here and I live here.. I've been back and forth from here and NY for a lot of my life .. I've spun in a lot of other states and a couple different countries .. And I'm here now to say sorry.. The reason I'm saying sorry is .. AC is a place that doesn't have a lot of opportunities for the local artist .. AC is not a artsy place .. Which is odd to me.. Thinking of all the talent that has performed here from Sammy Davis etc.. It's sad that venues , radio , etc. just do what is the norm for other places but AC has no identity for itself .. I love it here that's why I raise my family here.. But at the same time it's killing me on the real .. I'm tired of kissing ass and selling my self and soul to idiots that have no clue about ‪#‎culture‬ etc.. My resume speaks for itself.. And these people really need to learn some respect.. This is not a rant .. Just facts.. I'm done being quiet.. And for the record this if from me!! Not any one associated with me etc.

David Allmond , Dj Dramadik
There is a lot of talent in your own backyard.. Take advantage .. 100


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