Wednesday, December 2, 2015

DEFINING IMAGE With Stella Our Visual Lifestyle Specialist

Today it is my pleasure to introduce the newest member of The Raymond C Tyler/Atlantic City Beat family to all of you!
Her name is Stella Williams and we are excited about what she will add to our radio broadcasts, tv broadcast and live events.
Stella is A Visual Lifestyle Specialist and will be with us discussing fashion, styles, gift giving and much more!
If you have a question about style , hair, fashion, lifestyle, or even interior decoration/design you can leave a question here or even better...visit her website

In the future check here and tune into our radio shows for the DEFINING IMAGE With STELLA  segments.

Here is a clip from Stella's first appearance with us on The AC Beat on The New 96.1 WTTH as we discuss fashion and proper behavior at Holiday Parties this Season.

                                                            YOUR HOLIDAY IMAGE

Stella and Raymond Tyler discuss holiday parties at radio studio for Equity Communications and The New 96.1 FM WTTH.


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